Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sox, Feds, Tunes (Vids)

When's that "World Series" on? What? Almost over?!? Tonight (game 4) could be the last night with a White Sox win... Found this somewhat interesting article about why it is "Sox" instead of "Socks". Some interesting points on the history of American English in general.

What's this? Abuse of the Patriot Act perhaps?

I got into iTunes when MusicMatch stopped supporting my iPod, but I've really started to like some of the features. I don't have a video iPod (yet), but ran across this article about using iTunes to download videos from Yahoo! video search. There are actually nice rss/subscription features in the application, and I'm going to try this out tonight. I already subscribe to several podcasts, which I don't listen to on my iPod (and some of them I don't listed to very regularly at all).

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