Enough about my body chemistry:
- Attention: If you are dyslexic, do not apply for a job delivering mail. Her giudacne counlsre should be seud.
- Ah, the good life of the rich. And they're still such nice people!
- Star Wars Episode 3 now available on DVD. Go! This is your chance to watch all 13 hours of the series in one sitting!
- Umm, I don't think you can call them "secret CIA jails" if they're all over the news.
I'm going to break down and get a flu shot this year. We're getting them for free at work this week. The line was too long for my liking yesterday though.
We had a health screen at work a few weeks ago too, and I had the lowest cholesterol reading of my life. I too was questioning the accuracy.
I watched the Chosen One featurette on Episode III the other night and it seems like Lucas is telling people to watch all 6 movies together. He was saying it's really just one big movie and they are meant to be watched episode 1-6. Maybe I'll be able to do that some miserable day this winter.
Ours are free, too. They other odd thing (maybe not so much considering where I work) is that they give out free pizza. It just seems a little counter-intuitive to grab a slice of three meat pizza on the way out of the health expo.
Haven't watched much of the Ep. III DVD yet.
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