Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Our new robot leader, that crazy Congress, wiretap rules?

  • New robot that can recognize itself in a mirror. Huge market for robot makeup and hair products just around the corner.
  • Senate blocks defense spending bill that includes Alaskan refuge oil drilling. Alaskan refuge oil drilling in a defense bill. Also in this defense bill: hurricane relief money and help for low income families to pay heating bills. Why can't Congress logically group things in their bills? Oh, and there should have been a Congressional pay raise tacked on.
  • Oh, that's why! they're paid to pass laws in exchange for campaign donations.
  • Quote from April 2004 Bush speech: "Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires -- a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution." Hmmm... and Bush began authorizing warrantless wiretaps in 2001?

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