Saturday, March 11, 2006

What? Iranian nuclear program? butterfly ballots, flexible seating, n to dvd, Mario returns

Sorry for days without posting. It's been another hectic work week, with long hours working on an issue. But, here are some items:
  • Iranian negotiator boasts of fooling Europeans on Iran's secret nuclear program. Later, is shocked to find that Europeans read Internet news.
  • Not this again. Did "Crash" win best picture due to confusing butterfly ballots? (How many in news media won't realize this is a joke?)
  • The Feel seating system from Animi Causa is an interesting design. Supposedly modeled after molecules.
  • "Captain N" might be coming to DVD. If you don't remember it, it was a Saturday morning cartoon (when I was a kid) filled with Nintendo based characters. Back then I remember watching to see if my favorite characters would show up, but being disappointed by the cheesiness and poor execution.
  • Speaking of Nintendo, looks like there will be a return to classic Super Mario Bros. action in the updated New Super Mario Bros.. Looks old school cool.

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