Monday, May 29, 2006

Squaremelon, money folding, justice spat, secret wars, phone phollies

Hope you are having a great Memorial Day weekend! Here's a few things to keep you busy:
  • What makes those summer holidays better? Why, square watermelon, of course.
  • Got so much money you don't know what to do with it? Try some money origami.
  • Dept of Justice and FBI officials threatening to resign if they don't get their way in the Jefferson raid. Ministry of Love unavailable to comment.
  • I ran across this video for the Secret Wars Re-Enactment Society, a spoof of war re-enacters acting out Marvel Comic's Secret Wars series. I thought it was funny, but posting it here just reinforces that I like some geeky stuff.
  • A few inappropriate cell phone ringing stories. I think people should use a little more common sense with their phones; I hate it when one goes off during a movie or event. Toward the end of this article, a professor comments on the pointless conversations he hears immediately before and after classes. I couldn't agree more. I don't understand the inane calls, or why people feel they need to be in constant communication and be always connected.


Kahnman said...

How about this quote in the cell phone article: "Anyone who is 30 and older is bound to have difficulty operating new-fangled electronic devices." That upsets me. 30 isn't old, and we're really the first generation to grow up with computers and affordable gadgets our entire life. Just because I don't see the point of text messages doesn't mean I can't figure out how to use a phone in a few minutes without reading the manual. That's a horrible statement.

Brian Whitmarsh said...

Yeah, I thought that was poorly stated. I don't have a lot of gadget issues (and I think they put more effort into designing better interfaces these days than they used to).