Sunday, September 10, 2006

Fall, footboall, lost, ilium and olympos

Wow, it is chilly here. And rainy. And very un-summer-like. Fall has fallen. I actually spent part of the day watching pro football (didn't really plan it, but got kind of sucked into the season starting games). I'm sure there will very soon be a post over at Kahn's Korner about the Bears destruction of the Packers.
Otherwise, fellow Losties need to be sure to pick up Season 2 on DVD (available last week) if you haven't already.

I'm starting my rewatching of the season now.

As far as books go, I'm not quite done reading the second one yet, but I recommend "Ilium" and "Olympos" if you're in the mood for something very different. This set includes almost everything from the Trojan War and Greek gods, Shakespearean characters, cyborgs from Jupiter, little green men, human cloning, and quantum mechanics. It seems like a ton of stuff (that's not even related) to pack into a couple books, but it all comes together nicely and seems to make sense.


Kahnman said...

Thanks for the plug. Am I that predictable?

Brian Whitmarsh said...

No, you're not all that predictable. I mean, if there was no Bears game on, I'd have to take a total guess at what you'd post.