Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Plastic Logic

Just saw some info on this new e-paper product from Plastic Logic.  This is good; a step in the right direction.  It seems like it has been years that people have been talking about e-paper and e-book readers, and there are several out there, but they are pricey and still don't seem to have great usability.  I'm going to keep an eye on this one (still some glitches apparent in the presentation in that company link).  If someone comes up with a good reader, I'll definitely look into buying on.  I do still love the physicalness of a real book, but this looks like a great way to carry around several, and to access other document types as well.

Here's some more video of the device at the DEMO convention earlier this week:

(remember to buy Brian's products from Zazzle!)

Saturday, September 06, 2008


I recently downloaded the game Braid via the Xbox 360 Live Arcade, and just finished up playing through it. I can't say enough good about this game. It is a little indy game by a small team (essentially two guys), and it is very much worth the $15 bucks for it. I'd love to see more creative works like this. It is hard to tell from still photos (which might even look kind of childish and silly), but it is a very beautiful game, with painterly graphics and a fantastic score. It is mainly a platformer (with heavy nods to Super Mario Bros.) but includes the use of time-manipulation to collect puzzle pieces that help you proceed or add to the story.  The story and approach is so refreshing: it is well thought out, it is thought provoking, and it is mature.  I can see how some people might be put off by the ambiguous, arty story, but it is challenging (story wise and many of the puzzles) and you'll be rewarded by well earned a-ha moments (again in the story and from solving the puzzles).  Without spoiling anything, I was at first kind of confused and underwhelmed by a change of style of the last level, but then when I figured out what was going on, it completely floored me and made me appreciate the game much more.

Other recent games (not so thought-provoking):

  • Oblivion: Shivering Isles - Fairly recently finished this. If you are looking for a game (an older one) that will give you a ton of hours of play, it is Oblivion.
  • NCAA Football 2007 - I found this for $5, so I bought it. Oh, Iowa State, why can't you be more powerful?
  • Soul Calibur IV - Far from thought-provoking or life changing, the Soul Calibur series is still a fun bit of mindless fighting.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jon Stewart on media, fun election merchandise

Well, political season is in full swing again, and that is angrying up my blood so I thought I would try to start posting every once in a while again.

First stop:
  • Jon Stewart on Palin's Media Surrogates found on Comedy Central Insider.  I'm really glad that someone pays attention to what these people say over time.  His examples are all Republicans, I believe, but I certainly don't think this kind of two-faced-ness is limited to just that party.  I would love to see a 24-hour media channel that constantly challenges people on their changing positions and hypocrisy, or shows video proof of contradictory stances.
  • Otherwise, I've put some hopefully fun political designs on my Zazzle Store.  Please feel free to check them out and buy many, many items. (Using the link in the first sentence of this paragraph gives me a better royalty, by the way, thank you.)