Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Snow, book projects, demotivation

More snow today, but thankfully the wind was low, so no major drifting. I'm looking on a couple weather sites, but can't seem to find accurate info. One says we had 0 inches of precip. in the last 24 hours and 0 inches of snow on the ground, which is obviously inaccurate. Another won't show me what has happened, but predicts we'll get another 2 to 4 inches tonight. Why don't they show the actual weather events? Is it because they don't want us to see how bad their predictions were?
  • Here is a neat project to create a book wall hanging from public domain books. It is kind of hard to see the results from their pictures. Here is a somewhat related project on the same site.
  • As referenced in that book wall hanging link, Project Gutenberg is a great place to get public domain book texts.
  • Just got a catalog from them recently, so I thought I'd post the link to Despair, the "demotivator" site. Some clever satire of "Successories" motivational style materials, and the site has a lot of subtle humor.

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