Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo

CNN reports that bones of a hobbit like species were uncovered. I guess that's all the proof I need that the One Ring was real. My preciousssss. You know, I enjoyed those books and the movies, and bought the movies on DVD, but I don't think I've really ever watched them again since buying them because they are, like, really, really long.

I actually don't watch too much TV much either, but have become engrossed in Lost. I kind of wanted to watch it last season, but never did because I missed a lot of shows and it is hard to get into an ongoing drama if you miss shows (same reason I stopped watching 24 after the first season). However, season 2 of Lost started with a "catch-up" show that I watched, and was hooked. I bought the season 1 DVD set and have been further catching myself up. I really like the flashback-intensive, non-linear way they reveal things, and the show leaves little bits and clues to keep you wanting the next episode.


Kahnman said...

So I take you don't own the extended versions of the movies? I don't, because the theatrical versions are long enough.

I've never had a problem with spammers, but everyone who uses blogspot does. I suggest you enable the word verification to avoid them.

Brian Whitmarsh said...

I'll see how much spam I get before enabling word verification. I actually do own the extended versions (because I usually like buying the DVD versions that have good extra features). I watched a lot of the "making of" documentaries, which was quite interesting.